Don't reply to them any more, because they might be charging you money or scamming you. Ignore them, they'll think the phone is out of use and hopefully it'll go away soon.Why am I receiving replies to text messages I haven't sent from strange numbers?You may have given out your number to trusted source, where it has been given to someone else or something like that? If you download porn you always get them. Hope I helped.its probably a wrong number
Friday, 7 October 2011
Why am I receiving replies to text messages I haven't sent from strange numbers?
For the past 12 hours I've received text messages from cell phone numbers saying %26quot;thanks for the pic%26quot; or %26quot;you change your number?%26quot; %26quot;sorry testing the service%26quot; etc. I do not know the numbers at all, and i replied to one and they wrote back saying i have sent them a message. most of these texts also have a %26quot;download%26quot; link on them. it's a little scary. What do I do? How did this happen?Why am I receiving replies to text messages I haven't sent from strange numbers?They are probably a con trying to get you to reply and then they may start to charge you for recieving them. Call your service provider.Why am I receiving replies to text messages I haven't sent from strange numbers?It might have been something to do with bluetooth.
Don't reply to them any more, because they might be charging you money or scamming you. Ignore them, they'll think the phone is out of use and hopefully it'll go away soon.Why am I receiving replies to text messages I haven't sent from strange numbers?You may have given out your number to trusted source, where it has been given to someone else or something like that? If you download porn you always get them. Hope I helped.its probably a wrong numberthin hair bird
Don't reply to them any more, because they might be charging you money or scamming you. Ignore them, they'll think the phone is out of use and hopefully it'll go away soon.Why am I receiving replies to text messages I haven't sent from strange numbers?You may have given out your number to trusted source, where it has been given to someone else or something like that? If you download porn you always get them. Hope I helped.its probably a wrong number