Monday, 17 October 2011

Would you ever do this to your kid on christmas?

So I went up to my room to transfer things to my new laptop.

I heard my mom and brother talking about how things are going to change for him rules-wise.

-She is taking his text package down.

-She is changing his phone number and selecting which friends that number goes to.

-He isn%26#039;t allowed to text girls. He is 14 I don%26#039;t know how long she is holding that rule for.

-He can%26#039;t serious date till he is 16. Which is fine but I don%26#039;t think my mom is even going to let him hangout with girls or go on group dates.

Now, these aren%26#039;t rules but its her opinion which made me throw up in my mouth a little when I overheard them.

-He shouldn%26#039;t be texting girls at 14.

-She doesn%26#039;t even think he should be talking to girls outside of school at this age.

She was just giving this laundry list of crap to him ON CHRISTMAS!!!!

Of all days, way to be a kill joy.

My question is would you drag your kid down by a rules speech or would you hold off till another day?

Personally, I would wait till another day to tell my kid(If I had one) something I knew would piss them off, I wouldn%26#039;t do that to them.|||I would have waited unless he brought up the subject and asked. I cant say I agree with the rules but its none of my business.|||Personally, I would have waited to lay all that on him until the Holidays were over.|||I wouldn%26#039;t do that to my children especially on Christmas. I would wait til another day and I think the rules are just a bit anal retentive and slightly over baring rules for a 14 year old.|||As a mother of three I can say that I would wait for a different day. There is no use in telling your son that unless you are just trying to make him feel miserable. So why do it on Christmas which is suppose to be a very happy day for everyone.|||I would have waited to at least after new year then it can be a new years resolution!|||Its quite possible there was something preceeding this %26#039;laundry list%26#039; as you put it. Maybe your mum found out something, or caught him out doing something that she found objectionable. Maybe she saw 40-50 text messages coming in and going out within a few minutes on Christmas Day and realised just how high his phone bill was going to be.

Your mother is right if this was the case, you do not withhold punishment for another day, you must follow through when it happens.

If your little brother was covering the walls of the house with crayons on christmas day, would you expect her not to punish him there and then? Or do you think that because its xmas day, then nobody should be punished or chastised for their actions?