Friday, 7 October 2011

Long distance relationship break up, please help me get back with my gf?

hey i am from toronto and my online gf i know for over an year is from chicago. we constantly have problems on phone, like me arguing with her, complaining abt not getting enuf attention from her, which is really stupid I know. we were recovering from a recent break up, and I told her next time i say anything please swear on your mom( who has passed away) that you will change your number so we can be done with this for good. i said that because i always try to make up after screwing things. so yesterday we got into argument and she was hurt and she swore, then she said she feels like hanging up. I was worried so I asked her, please can u not change your number, i don%26#039;t want you to. She said she won%26#039;t, i made her reassure me several times, she said she will talk to me later during the day. After she hung up on me, she sent me txt saying dont call bak or i will change my number. im not kidding jus call later. hm u did da worst 2 me nd dont keep texting either im tellin u. Then I called her when she told me i could and she didnt pick so i txtd her, and she sent me this txt bak sayin i am srii buh i cant talk now, my neice threw up guna watch her and stop kallin n textin im dead serious. I sent her few txts after dat to kno where we stand, and again she txt bak saying im fine buh plz stop msgs u dont listen i hate ur guts im not changin my number buh keep textin and kalling ull get. After that I have sent her few msgs( but not 2 many) buh she is not responding anymore. we have no other means of communication, so if she changes her number, we are done with our relationship. I love this girl a lot, i have not been able to eat, i have been crying, so please do no tell me I need to get a life or move on. For me, there%26#039;s no solution other than getting back with her, so please since I made her swear, do you think she will change her number? or should I go by her words where she said she won%26#039;t change it. what do you make out from her txts, she just isn%26#039;t responding anymore and I am so clueless right now. she%26#039;s on pay as you go with verizon so i am able to check using the verizon nmber her balance etc so she stil has the phone number, but she isn%26#039;t replying. Please tell me if there is any hope for me, how can I get back with her. For all I know, I get depressed when things are bad between us, and I cannot forget this girl. Just help me get back with her, thankk you||| need to move on...have you ever even seen her in real life? That was just a movie %26quot;YOU%26#039;ve GOt Mail%26quot; that **** dont work in real life need to find u a real GIRLFRIEND and some1 you can actually see huh|||you r wrong for making her swear on her mom. u sound like a control freak and maybe she has had enough of y0ur drama king ways