We had a huge fight where I yelled at him horrible words and dumped him via text(I was angry and frustrated) I apologized immediately with texts, calls and messages. He didn%26#039;t reply except for 1. Which was last week monday. He said he%26#039;ll call when he has the time. He hasn%26#039;t. Then I last text him was last week saturday. He didn%26#039;t reply. He didn%26#039;t hear from me until yesterday when I message him this apology:
Hey I know I screwed up by acting like such a total ***** about your phone. I even made it worst by saying those harsh things to you on Sunday that I didn%26#039;t mean(I was just really angry and frustrated that I couldn%26#039;t communicate with you). It also didn%26#039;t help that I acted all %26quot;needy%26quot; or %26quot;clingy%26quot; trying to fix it. I just wish you would have given me a chance to prove to you that I can change of how I handle things and that I am not usually like that, like how I gave you chances when you ask for them when you made mistakes...
PS: I want to say something else to you...but I am so shy, I don%26#039;t know how to say it. %26quot;
His response is : %26quot;Hey...I lost your number. what is it?%26quot;
I don%26#039;t know how to respond to this. Did he get that mad that he erased my #? (Well I did say that he%26#039;s a horrible person and I can%26#039;t believe I went back out with him and he%26#039;s full of bull---****, and I was right all he wanted from me was sex)---Which we never did yet even though we got back together after a little over a month already.|||Yes he is lying to you!!
If he could have the decency to tell you straight in the face that he never expected the kind of insults you levelled at him, when you were very angry.
All in all you are a normal human being. People usually freck out when they are angry. This shows that you are only human.
The fact that he is no longer interested shows that he is a good for nothing gentleman.
Your apology was enough for any real man and a serious lover.
So, just wait and see If he calls now that he has seen your number?
Just take it from there. If he does not call, do not worry, it was not meant to last anyway.
Good luck you will find another new lover.
All the best in your search!!!