Okay I%26#039;ll make this brief. I met a boy and we kissed, he asked if we could change numbers we did and then he invited me to a party a few days later when I said i couldn%26#039;t go he didnt text back. Then, because we hang round with the same friends, I saw him at a party and he was all over me, he kept making sure he had my phone number too. he text me the next day asking how I was and he added me on face book. Then i found the courage to text him a few days later and when i did he said he was doing an essay i said ill leave you to it and he went no dont leave, then he asked me to the cinema and when i asked what was on he said %26#039;nothing good lets leave it till something better is on%26#039;, i asked %26#039;did you change your mind about me or the cinema%26#039; and he said %26#039;the cinema!%26#039;, then we arranged to meet friday and when we stopped texting he started talking to me on face book and was lookin at my pictures. Now he%26#039;s said he can%26#039;t make it friday because he forgot he has to see his nan and asked if we could meet again, i said maybe because i was pissed but he hasn%26#039;t text back or anything.
I%26#039;m a really paranoid person and I can%26#039;t tell if he%26#039;s just making excuses not to see me, please help before I act really nasty and scare him off lol. Do you reckon he likes me????|||he could like you but he seems to blow you off and just wants you for the physical stuff and he could very well like you thou is he what you want that is what you need to ask your self. and do you see the relationship taking off|||he likes you|||He might like you, but I guess he%26#039;s not really sure about you. If he%26#039;d really want to meet you, there would have been a way|||Are you crazy? I%26#039;m pretty confident this guy is being genuine and honest.
If your friend told you this story about her you would have only one answer, am I right? This guy really likes you, man.