laiding out is one way a stalker get your personnel info, he might of follow you around getting to know your activities without you even knowing, your old friend could have told where you live to him that%26#039;s all he need,i doubt it was a online thing,contact the police and tell them your problem with this person and save the text msgs so the police can know and talk to this person if you let it go it can become dangerous
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
How to hide your home address from stalkers?
I have a stalker I guess you could say? I received very detailed and creepy text msgs from someone today saying I see you neigbor and telling me what I was wearing so I knew they actually could see me. With a little prying I found out who it was, an old friends ex bf. He made some very disturbing comments about my face being all over online, and that my address was even on there! Im terrified! I do have a facebook but it is set to private and I mean private! No one can msg me, no one can look me up, I have spent a great deal of time making sure that it is very private. I dont know if he was lying or what but everything he said was the truth, he knew way to much and when he saw me he was by my apt!! How can I find out if my address is online? Or if there are pictures of me? %26amp; How can I keep this very personal info private? Changing my phone number this week, and thinking of deleting facebook, I only have 20 friends on there and I really dont want to have to delete it as I love playing yoville on there lol.|||Once your information is on the internet, it stays there, I%26#039;m afraid. If your information and everything was truly leaked, then you can%26#039;t do anything about it.|||I think having a stalker as a woman is very honourable, it means you are so good in some ways that someone spends all his time on you to stalk.|||the first thing is did he ever come into your apt with your old friend, a piece of mail with your address
laiding out is one way a stalker get your personnel info, he might of follow you around getting to know your activities without you even knowing, your old friend could have told where you live to him that%26#039;s all he need,i doubt it was a online thing,contact the police and tell them your problem with this person and save the text msgs so the police can know and talk to this person if you let it go it can become dangerouscat web hosting sites
laiding out is one way a stalker get your personnel info, he might of follow you around getting to know your activities without you even knowing, your old friend could have told where you live to him that%26#039;s all he need,i doubt it was a online thing,contact the police and tell them your problem with this person and save the text msgs so the police can know and talk to this person if you let it go it can become dangerous