Friday, 7 October 2011

Christians, I need your advice?

I wanted to be friends with this person, and I%26#039;ve always gone out of my way for her. She said she wanted to be friends, too. We%26#039;d talked of so many things, we%26#039;d even agreed to email each other when I go abroad next week. Then I invited her to come over and she said %26quot;ok, call me%26quot;

So I called her on Monday as was agreed. I wanted to know when we were going to meet. She acted really strange.

Here%26#039;s how the conversation went:

Me: Hi, it%26#039;s Natasha

She: Oh, hi

Me: How are you?

She: Bad. Lots of problems... How can I help you?

Me: Well, when are we going to meet?

She: Oh, I%26#039;ve got so many problems at the moment, it%26#039;s quite impossible for me to come right now. See, we%26#039;ve got health problems, I think it was you whom I told about it. So I can%26#039;t see you.

Me: Oh, I see... Ok...

She: When are you going abroad? (like I hadn%26#039;t told her a thousand times already)

Me: On the 7th of June.

She: Well, I%26#039;ll find some time to come and see you. This week. Is this your phone number? I%26#039;ll call you.

Me: Oh, ok.

She: Bye

I don%26#039;t know what to say. Why would she be this rude to me? Is she even going to call? I have a feeling she isn%26#039;t. But then, we had such a good time together, why has she changed toward me so much? I so want to be her friend, but if she doesn%26#039;t keep her word and call, it will be impossible for me to email her... And I remember during one of our conversations when I told her I really liked talking to her, she responded by saying that she did too and she suggested to keep this going... I just don%26#039;t understand why she would want to cut me off now...

Please, tell me, why did she do this? And do you think she%26#039;s going to call after all? And if you can, pray for God to help me stay friends with her. It%26#039;s so important to me. And I just don%26#039;t know what to do... She%26#039;s the only Christian friend I have and I hate to think that she%26#039;s never really cared...|||Nobody knows why she did it except for her. Count it as a learning experience, and move on. Sorry that happened to you. It%26#039;s not worth being too upset over though. She is just being rude, and you deserve better than that. Forget about her and move on. If she comes back to you later, don%26#039;t allow it because she will only do this to you again.

Have a good trip abroad, and find new friends there.|||Well I hope things work out well with this friend. Pray to God for guidance on it.

But, in my life, God always gives me new Christian friends in every season. So, sometimes we get so emotionally attached and don%26#039;t want to temporarily lose people, ..but it happens. I thing God is trying to get us emotionally attached to him first.

So, just ask him to show you your next friend. And their are all kinds of Christians,;ll meet some who help you, some whom you can help, immature ones, false ones, good ones. But no matter what you give to whomever, you will have treasures in heaven.

best wishes,

Praise Jah you people! Thank you Jesus!|||maybe she has alot going on right now. who cares if she is a christian friend, she%26#039;s a friend. sounds like you wouldnt want to be her friend unless she was christian.