Friday, 16 September 2011

How do you change your number?

Pretty simple I guess, I've just never had to do it before.

I'm on orange contract - I used to be on pay as you go and I'd just go pick up a new sim or summit.

An unsavoury character has gotten hold of my number and has been phoning and texting threats.

I know it'll eventually stop or whatever but he's the type to pass it onto all HIS unsavoury friends and then I'll be getting prank calls throughout the nights..

So how do I go about it?How do you change your number?Phone customer service on 150. They'll probably do it free of charge if you tell them you're getting mallicious calls. Good luck
How do you change your number?
Go to the shop and just ask the people and they usually phone some people up and get you a new sim card and they will give all the details.
How do you change your number?
If the reason is for malicious calls, most networks will offer a free number change facility.

Be aware that in some cases you may loose any promotional offers you have on your contract - free bundles etc (this is unlikely with malicious calls though).

You'd also have to notify everyone of your new number as well. Dependant on the nature of the calls/texts you're getting, I'd recommend keeping them on your phone as evidence and going to the Police. This type of behaviour is harassment and you can bring the person up on formal charges if needed.