Saturday, 24 September 2011

Have you ever had a break up and your ex told you never to have any kind of contact with them again?

Hi all! Have you ever had a break up and your ex told you never to have any kind of contact with them again? I mean, them going to the extent of them changing their phone number, e-mail addresses, blocking you on facebook, etc. Even when their family and friends cut you off too. How did you get over the hurt from the heartbreak and the social isolation? Any answers would be appreciated. Thanks!Have you ever had a break up and your ex told you never to have any kind of contact with them again?that's how I treat my Ex's. I completely shut them out of my life. The reason I do that is because I will never look at them the same again, I will always see them as a lover, so if they are out of sight then they are out of mind and they are much easier to forget about, and yes its possible to forget a lot about a person (but not entirely of course) and there for its easier to get over and move. Some people might totally disagree with my method, but it works for me. I don't believe in being friends after a relationship because we all know that when both people are in the same room the only thing that goes through their head is %26quot;that one time when I **** your ****.%26quot;

hope I wasn't too blunt for you, hope everything works out.
Have you ever had a break up and your ex told you never to have any kind of contact with them again?
Yes it's happened.. I learned to remeber to %26quot;roll with the punches%26quot;..And just ask yourself if you need probably don't.
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