Friday, 16 September 2011

Is it possible for someone to get your cell phone number without you giving to them?

I'm about to go crazy right now...I dont know what to do about my frkn phone.I changed my number about a week ago, due to the fact that I kept getting random texts and phone calls from different numbers, which I suspected was coming from this guy I was dating at the time that works for the same company as I, so last sunday I changed my number and gave it to everyone EXCEPT him, I havent even give my job my new number so that this guy wouldnt have it so check this out, for a week straight I 'm at peace no weird calls, no weird texts, , yesterday his friend/ supervisor called me last night at work asking me %26quot;If I needed anything%26quot;...and started asking me random stupid questions about if a door was locking,,...weird, and then this morning I 'm getting the weird texts today something from a five digit number....How is it possible for someone to get your number without you giving it them?Is this just me very paranoid(but can u blame me) plus I have two lines, and the funny thing is I always get the weird calls on my phone I use for personal use, I never get weird calls or texts on my other number, neverIs it possible for someone to get your cell phone number without you giving to them?It's easy to get numbers if someone is willing to pay for it.The internet provides (do a google search on finding phone numbers and you will see what I mean) many ways to get a hold of information..sorry.I would recommend dealing with this guy you dated and do what you can to make it clear that it's over and that he needs to move on.
Is it possible for someone to get your cell phone number without you giving to them?
I think he must have somehow conned one of your friends into giving it him,maybe said he needs to ask you something or he needs to get hold of you urgently,there isn't a place you can get someones mobile phone number from,thank goodness.

My friend works for a mobile company.
Is it possible for someone to get your cell phone number without you giving to them?
Wow, Creepy! Well, anyway, yes, it's possible for people to get your numbers without you giving it to them. Sadly, these people desperate for money, are willing to go to cell phone head quarters, and look in phone books day in and day out just to find someones number, because some people get paid to do stuff like that! It's really creepy that people are desperate enough to pay people to do stuff like that, but, you can ask your phone company about blocking numbers, and if your company does it, you can make all numbers that aren't in your contact list not be able to text or call you. Hope I helped!
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